World Race Study Abroad

World Race Study Abroad

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Walking the Camino is simple and straight forward. Everyday you wake up at 5:30 pick up your bag and start walking. It reminds me of the time Jesus healed the crippled man on the sabbath.

Then Jesus said to him, “Get up pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:8a

I relate to this crippled man in that I felt disabled for a long time to follow after Gods path for me. During this walk I wake up every morning and hear the Lord say get up pick up your mat and walk and I feel healed every step. That does not mean that the physical pain goes away. There are days when I wake up feeling so discouraged and weak, but I intentionally seek God in those moments and ask for the Lords strength. God has been so gracious to me and has helped me in this time of need.

After the crippled man was healed the Pharisees were offended because he was healed on sabbath which they perceived as a sin. They approached the healed and asked if he could name the man who healed him. They were seeking to destroy Jesus by finding fault in him. Many people will be offended by us because we trust in the Lord and because we follow after him. They will try to find fault in us to prove God wrong, but remember that the Lord is the one who healed us so that we can get up and walk again.

2 responses to “Pick up Your Mat and… part 1”

  1. It was good to be able to walk with you on the Camino, Faith. It was good to hear your vision for and calling to storytelling.

    This insight into the daily struggle to overcome what may be holding us back and simply walk forward in the direction that he has told us to walk is crucial. Keep walking forward and gaining strength, Faith!

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