World Race Study Abroad

World Race Study Abroad

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About a month ago we were put into a group chat as our first introductions to each other. It was quiet at first until Maia was brave enough to introduce herself! We all soon followed; stating our name, age, where we’re all from, and what we are excited about regarding our upcoming trip!

As the days went on, more questions were asked and we got to know each other more and more. As this happened, I became even more excited for the trip to come! It’s a little nerve-racking signing up for a trip with complete strangers that you don’t know, but talking to the group gave me a peace that we will get along very well.

Originally we all signed up for this trip to spend 3 months in Europe, however there have been many changes throughout the months leading up to the trip. We are now heading to Spain to hike the latter-half of the Camino de Santiago! While hiking we will be ministering to others on the trail as well as the people staying in the same Albergues (hostels) as us. From there, we don’t know what’s next quite yet. Throughout our time on the trail we will be praying, listening, and seeking the Lord’s voice. Listening for where He wants us to go next, whether we end up staying in Spain or traveling somewhere else in Europe. Wherever we do end up, I know that God has a plan for us, and a purpose for us being there!

The 250 western-most miles are what we will be hiking!

I excitingly await meeting all of the team in person at training camp in 1 month! Pray for us as we embark on a Kingdom Journey with the desire to share Jesus with people across the globe!

6 responses to “Europe Study Abroad – Our Team”

  1. I look forward to reading you upcoming stories! While uncertainty can be daunting, it also brings excitement! The unknown holds potential for new adventures that could surpass your original expectations. Keep an open heart as you explore Spain and wherever else God may lead!

  2. This is so exciting! Praying for opportunities to share the Good News of Christ and to grow in your relationship with the Lord!

  3. My prayer is for you and your team to make significant impact while in Europe. May the Lord guide you and protect you all on this Kingdom Journey.

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