World Race Study Abroad

World Race Study Abroad

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Today marks the 39th day of our trip and leaves us with 39 days until we get back to the USA. So, far it has been 39 days of personal growth and learning. Throughout the past month, I have really appreciated the ability to jump in and help with the development of this school on top of my other leadership courses. While hiking on the Camino, Silas and I had the blessing of discussing what we thought of this Journey School. We were able to send our conversations to our mentor and visionary Seth Barnes (the amazing man behind this idea) and he began to include us in the development process. That is what I see this Journey School / World Race: Study Abroad opportunity as: a way to engage with mentors and visionaries like Seth to pursue your dreams.

That’s why I love this idea so much, there is room for feedback and for hands on learning with people that know and care for you. It’s different from college because your mentors and squad-leaders have actual involvement in your spiritual development, not just your academic progress. It is about what you want and what you want to grow into, not what the academic program wants you to become.

I am really excited to see the future of this program and I am so blessed to be included in its development.

2 responses to “The Beginning of Different”

  1. Tanner – your appetite for learning makes it easy to want to help you and others like you to learn. Thanks for the kind words. I hope what I’m seeing with the eyes of my heart about a school that trusts students to pursue dreams and trust the consequences of curiosity can find traction in your lives and eventually in the lives of others like you.

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