World Race Study Abroad

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Ok another essay entry but this time I need some help. This essay is a first draft and I need to finish refining it. Can you help me by proof reading it and seeing what can be done to make it an informative essay on the definition of courage?

What is courage?  The Oxford language dictionary defines courage as “the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.” It can also be defined as  “strength in the face of pain or grief”.  The word comes from Middle English  meaning (denoting the heart, as the seat of feelings): this word can also be traced from an  Old French word corage, and from the Latin word cor heart’. Some might assume that when the word courage is used in a sentence the author means physical strength, however, some authors use the word courage to describe mental endurance and strong morals. 

Courage stems from one’s passion. Passion has a broad reach in the  terms of definition and affects a lot of what humans think and do. Passion as defined by the Oxford Language dictionary as a “strong and barely controllable emotion” or  “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.”  Passion is something that makes humans boldly step out in uncontrollable ways, it is a way that humans feel capable of being bold Throughout history and literature we see people do courageous things because they are passionate about their morals. If we look at Achilles and how he killed the leader of the Trojan army because he valued his friendship with Patrocholus whom Hector, the Trojan leader, killed. He gained his courage in the form of revenge for his fallen brother. If we take another look in history at Alexander the Great we can see the many successful military advancements he was able to make in his time. It is also known that he was tutored by Aristotle who was a major philosopher who studied logic, ethics, and political theory. Alexander used logic and his authority to affect the nations he conquered. Through the courage portrayed throughout time passion is made evident.

Courage without strength can accomplish nothing so one is needed for the other to succeed well. Strength as defined by the Oxford Language dictionary as “the quality or state of being physically strong.” Another way it is defined is “the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure” As portrayed in the first definition, strength is often viewed as  bodies capable of doing hard tasks. However, mental strength and endurance creates a foundation for which courage can grow. Withstanding great obstacles implies that your mind is fully capable in the process of making a decision. With strength courage is able to be applied into an active state. One way to gain strength is to place an importance on mental wellness and seeking knowledge in how to take care of ones body and mind.

Bravery is the act of courage. It is when courage is seen. The definition of bravery as declared by the Oxford Language dictionary supports this as it says, “courageous behavior or character” another definition that supports the need for strength is “the quality or state of being physically strong.” One that supports the use of passion to have a foundation in passion to have courage that is effective is “the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure” being brave is a valuable trade for unanimity to continue to grow. Being brave is a secondary reaction to being stopped by an obstacle. In order to be brave you must be faced with fear.fear can cripple humans and hold them captive from the passions they seek to pursue. Therefore you can react with fear or with courage.

When faced with adversity the choice to act with courage can be extremely hard for one to make. Courage quite often means that the outcome is unknown and without knowledge people usually fail. Acting with simple boldness can make all the difference in any situation no matter the outcome. Courage does not require good things to happen. It requires hope to see an ending to the oppression, it requires seeking mental wellness so one can learn how to persevere, and it requires standing up when being pushed down. When faced with a wall that brings a person to their knees with fear they can remind themselves of their desire to be on the other side of that wall. This desire can be used to muster up any strength the person might need to bravely get up and find a way over the wall. This is how courage can be attained by re-defining it as accessible and important. 
As you can see it i a rough draft that definitely needs a lot of work so please help me if you have the time



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